Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

US Monetary Aid not Clarified in Accord: Spanta

US Monetary Aid not Clarified in Accord: Spanta

KABUL - The security advisor to the president on Monday said, the monetary assistance from the US government to Afghanistan was not clarified and the two governments could extend and cancel the decade-long agreement.
Speaking at Monday's session of Wolesi Jirga, RanginDadfarSpanta, said US military bases in Afghanistan was not mentioned in the draft of the strategic cooperation agreement, which was finalized after 23 reviews.
President Hamid Karzai spokesman on Sunday said Afghanistan and the United States finalized the contents of the strategic pact, which would be sent to both countries' parliaments for final consultations.

Aimal Faizi told Pajhwok Afghan News that although the deal was finalized, Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul and national security advisor, Spanta, were to brief both houses of Parliament on the contents on Monday.
Faizi said the pact included long term partnership in many important areas but did not divulge more details. The text of the agreement lasting a decade was locked and now both sides would review the document for a final consultation, he said.

Spanta said the draft was divided to eight chapters, which insisted on national sovereignty of Afghanistan, but he did not reveal the draft in Monday's session. The US should support the Afghan government in maintaining peace and the peace process, he said.

Although the draft did not clarify the exact amount of money to be provided to the Afghan government, it says, the US would train and equip the Afghan soldiers until they are able to provide security to the country, he said.
The accord was initially delayed due to several demands from Karzai, including protecting national sovereignty, Afghan control of jails and an end to night-time raids on Afghan residences.

However, the US later signed accords on the transfer of all US-run Afghan jails to the control of local authorities and Afghanizing night-time raids.
A few days ago, Karzai said that the Afghan side was insisting that the US should clarify the amount of money -- whether it was less but should be clarified. Regarding worries of neighboring countries about the pact, Spanta, said the issue was discussed with the respective governments.

"We have discussed the issue with China, Russian, India, Iran, Tajikistan and Pakistan and their worries are also considered in the draft," he said. According to it, the US had pledged not to attack any other country from Afghanistan, the advisor to the president, said.

"If any other country attacks Afghanistan, the Afghan and US government will reply to it either militarily or politically after a consultation between the two governments," Spanta said. US will help in good governance, commerce, attraction of investment and regional cooperation, he said.

Parliamentarians demanded to show them the draft and let them know US demands, in response to which, Spanta said, he would not conceal a single point of the draft and will be sent for approval after the president signs it.
At the end, chairman Abdul RaufIbrahimi said, the parliamentarians would carefully study the pact, when sent for approval and then would decide whether to approve it or not.