Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Third Phase of Transition will Need more Cooperation: Mohammadi

Third Phase of  Transition will Need more Cooperation: Mohammadi

KABUL - The third phase of the security transition from NATO to Afghan security forces will face severe challenges if the two do not fully cooperate with each other, Interior Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi said Tuesday.
"Cooperation between Afghan security force and NATO is weak in some areas," Mohammadi said at the sixth military leadership and development seminar in Kabul.
Mohammadi stressed to the gathered military leaders that the training of the Afghan security forces was crucial in order for them to prepare for the third phase of the security transition.

"The first and second rounds of the security transition were completed successfully as a result your hard work, but the third round will face challenges," Mohammadi said.

"We are passing through a critical time in our history and our security forces will take on security responsibilities which are related to your efforts and hard work once again."

He said the fight for human rights, particularly violence against women, as well as drug-trafficking and the fight against corruption are the priorities of the MOI.

"Nothing will damage us more than corruption; our successes depend on transparency, the fight against corruption, the appointment of professional employees, and gaining the trust of the people, that is why they are my priority," he said. (Tolo News)