Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Neighbors’ Concerns Addressed: Spanta

Neighbors’ Concerns  Addressed: Spanta

KABUL - Despite the injustices that neighboring countries committed against Afghanistan over the past three decades, the government in Kabul had considered their concerns in the just-concluded strategic deal with the US, the national security advisor said on Thursday.
Speaking at an international conference on the outlook of Afghan national police after 2014, when foreign soldiers are slated to pull out of the country, Dr. Rangin Datfar Spanta accused neighbors of doing many injustices to Afghanistan.

Without naming anyone, the ex-foreign minister blamed some regional countries for trying to weaken Afghan government institutions, including army and ministries, as well as fanning different political parties, aiding the Taliban and massacring Afghans.

Despite the raw deal it had been given over the years, Afghanistan had addressed the concerns of its neighbors regarding the strategic partnership agreement, Spanta added.
While lashing out at political analysts' views about the pact, he remarked: "Unfortunately, most of them concentrate are focused on neighbors' concerns and ignore the reasons why the Afghan government has inked the deal with the US."

Hailing the accord as an important step forward for Afghanistan, he said: "We cannot survive in a troubled region and can't accomplish our mission until we have a strong partner. We need to be united with the international community that respects our national sovereignty."

President Hamid Karzai and his American counterpart Barak Obama signed the pact late on Tuesday in the heavily-guarded Presidential Palace in Kabul. Hours after the signing, US officials said America's presence would not jeopardize regional countries.