Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Not and Can’t Be Nominated for Prez Poll: Karzai

Not and Can’t Be  Nominated for Prez Poll: Karzai

US Must Respect Afghanistan's Political System

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai dismissed calls for Afghanistan to change its political system to a Federal regime, saying the long-term agreement with the US was signed on the condition that the current centralized system of government be respected.
Karzai said at a press conference in Kabul on Thursday, the day after the long-term pact was signed, that several US congressmen had called for the country's regime to change its structure.
"Some US congressman started intervening in Afghanistan several months ago and asked for the regime in Afghanistan to change to a federal system. I clearly told the US government that we will only sign the agreement with you if you respect the central government of Afghanistan," Karzai said.

The agreement guarantees a free election in Afghanistan without any intervention from any foreign state, he said.
"In this agreement, we have included an important point which is that there should be no foreign intervention in Afghan elections," he said.

"Afghan elections should be free and in accordance with our own election rules and regulations. It should be held by Afghans, and all Afghans will participate. It should be protected from any kind on internal and external interference."

On the impact of the long-term agreement, Karzai emphasized that the US will help Afghanistan develop economically for a decade after 2014.
"I thank the US government for their commitment towards helping Afghanistan financially and not letting the country face financial crisis after the complete withdrawal of their forces," he told reporters.

He confirmed that the agreement will be sent to the Afghan parliament in accordance with the country's internal laws, and voiced his hope that it would be approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
When asked about whether a decision had been made on bringing the date of the Afghan presidential election forward a year, Karzai said it was continuing to be reviewed and that any decision will respect Afghanistan's laws.

He also refused any suggestion that he might be denominated for the presidential seat.
"I am not nominated and I can't be nominated for this presidential election," he said.

The US-Afghan strategic pact was signed by US president Barack Obama and Karzai in Kabul during the early hours of Wednesday morning.
The agreement will apply for ten years after 2014 and can be extended for another decade if the two nations agree. (Tolo News)