Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Panetta Wants Karzai Admin to Curb Graft

Panetta Wants Karzai  Admin to Curb Graft

ANSF growing steadily, and more capable for securing Afghanistan

WASHINGTON - The security transition in Afghanistan is on the right track, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Saturday, praising Afghan soldiers for bringing a measure of security to the country.
"We are on the right course. We have made significant progress. We are making transition. Our troops are doing a great job. The Afghan troops are doing a great job. The country is more secure," Panetta said in an interview.
He said: "To make this work we're going to have to continue to ensure the Afghan army grows and does a good job. We're going to have to ensure that governance is there, Afghan governance is there."
The level of corruption had to be controlled to make sure that the gains that had been made become permanent, not just temporary, Panetta said in response to a question.

He called 2011 a real turning point, claiming the Taliban had been weakened significantly and organize the kind of attacks to regain territory that they had lost.
Secondly, the secretary noted, the Afghan army and police had developed great capability. They were operational, involved in the battle and doing a great job in providing security.

"And thirdly, we're transitioning areas to Afghan security and control. Right now as we speak, 50 percent of the Afghan population is under their security and under their control, and I'd say by late summer 75 percent of their population will be under their security and control," he continued.

But challenges remained, he acknowledged, saying: "But let's not kid ourselves. There are going to be challenges. Taliban are resilient. They're going to be there, they're going to continue to attack.

"We do have problems obviously with Afghan corruption. We've got to make sure that this continues on the right path, so I don't think we ought to take anything for granted. We're going to have to keep pushing to make this work," Panetta concluded. (Pajhwok)