Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Absentee MPs to Face Disciplinary Action

Absentee MPs to Face Disciplinary Action

KABUL - For the first time, the Wolesi Jirga would start taking disciplinary action next month against absentee lawmakers in line with the house internal procedures, an official said on Sunday.
A lack of quorum remains a challenge to the lower house taking important decisions since the inauguration of the present parliament. Throughout April, 43 legislators remained absent.

Their names were released to the media by the house administrative board to pave the ground for disciplinary action against them. However, no action has been taken so far against the absentees.
Article 131 of the internal procedures says if a lawmaker remains absent for more than five days without prior information, his/her salary should be deducted and their names released to the media.

Deputy Secretary Farhad Azimi said: "Until now the administrative board has not taken any action against absent members, but from now on, the MPs could face disciplinary action at the end of every month."
Responsibility for action against MPs lies with the first deputy speaker, Zahir Qadir. A day earlier, Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi urged lawmakers to attend sessions on a regular basis.