Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Civilian Deaths Make U.S. Pact ‘Meaningless': Karzai

Civilian Deaths Make U.S. Pact ‘Meaningless': Karzai

Gen. Allen claimed responsibility for the misguided airstrikes

KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the recent deaths of Afghan civilians inflicted by NATO forces may render the strategic pact signed last week with the US "meaningless" if Afghans do not feel safe.
Dozens of Afghan civilians have been killed in NATO airstrikes in as many as four provinces over the last four days, according to senior Afghan and US officials.
Karzai summoned US General John Allen, commander of the NATO forces in Afghanistan, and US Ambassador Ryan Crocker to his palace on Monday night to explain the civilian deaths.
In a statement issued from Karzai's Office, Allen claimed responsibility for the misguided airstrikes.

"I personally take responsibility for these incidents," the palace statement quoted Allen as saying.
Karzai said he "signed the strategic pact with the United States to avoid such incidents and if Afghans do not feel safe, the strategic partnership loses its meaning", according to the statement.

Civilians have been killed in airstrikes in north-western Badghis province and southern Helmand province, as well as in the central provinces of Kapisa and Logar, the presidential office said.

Tolonews was only able to confirm the civilian deaths in Badghis and Helmand.
At least 14 civilians were killed in the Badghis province airstrike on Sunday night, and six others were wounded, a police official told Tolonews on condition of anonymity.
The incident took place in Buzak area of Bala Murghab district while security forces were launching a military operation to clear area of insurgents, officials said.

Provincial spokesman Sharafudin Majidi confirmed the incident, but said Tuesday there was no exact information about the casualties.
He said they had sent a delegation to investigate the incident.

Meanwhile on Friday night, six Afghan civilians of the same family were killed in NATO airstrike in Sangin district of Helmand province, provincial spokesman Daoud Ahmadi said.
It happened when a NATO helicopter mistakenly targeted a house. A delegation has been sent to investigate the incident, he said.

The US military claimed responsibility and expressed regret for the airstrike that mistakenly killed the six family members - a woman and five children.
The US military in Helmand spokesman reportedly said the army was aware of the deaths and had immediately started an investigation.

A spokesman for NATO said the airstrikes were under investigation.
In the past, Karzai has strongly denounced the Western military over civilian deaths.

The incidents come two weeks before NATO's Chicago summit. At the gathering, the Nato allies are expected to affirm plans to pull most combat troops out of Afghanistan, while pledging to continue training Afghan forces and providing long-term development aid.

US President Barack Obama signed a decade-long strategic agreement with Afghanistan in Kabul last week on the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death. The agreement covers relations and the nature of US support for Afghanistan after the NATO mission ends in 2014. (Tolo News)