Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

WJ Panel Okays US-Afghan Pact

WJ Panel Okays US-Afghan Pact

KABUL - Wolesi Jirga's international affairs commission has approved the strategic partnership accord between Afghanistan and the US, and it would be presented to the house's general assembly soon, a lawmaker said on Saturday. President Hamid Karzai and his US counterpart Barack Obama signed the strategic partnership agreement at the Presidential Palace in Kabul on May 1.
A legislator from Paktika province and the commission member, Syed Ishaq Gilani, told Pajhwok Afghan News the accord had been submitted by the government to the Wolesi Jirga early last week. Approved by the panel on Tuesday, the deal will be referred to the assembly once other commissions completed debating over it. Gilani said: "The accord will not damage the country and I believe the Wolesi Jirga will vote in favor of it." Second Deputy Speaker Namatullah Ghafari acknowledged approval of the agreement by the commission. "I cannot give a specific date but I believe the agreement will be presented to the assembly this week."

Article 90 of the Constitution says the right of ratification of international treaties and agreements, or abrogation thereof, will be decided by the Wolesi Jirga. Meanwhile, parliamentarians also passed a draft law regarding police officers, who could be promoted without any change in their duties. Under the law, a major-general older than 65 years will have to retire.

A major can be promoted to lieutenant colonel while doing the same duty. At the moment, police officials are promoted on the basis of presidential decrees. But from now on, they will be elevated on the basis of their performance, MP Saleh Mohammad Saleh said.

Previously, the age for the retirement of police was 70 years and it could have also been extended. However, Saleh said, the promotion of police without changing their duties could also create financial problems in the future. "For example, after 10 years, the number of colonels will considerably increase but there will be no budget to fund high salaries," he said. The law also provides for free medical treatment of policemen's relatives at police hospitals.

Lawmakers say the relatives who will be receiving free treatment at police hospitals include parents, grandparents, and unmarried brothers and sisters. (Pajhwok)