Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Strong ANSF Needed to Protect Civilians: NGOS

Strong ANSF Needed to Protect Civilians: NGOS

KABUL - As NATO members gear to debate Afghanistan's future at the Chicago Summit, non-governmental agencies said on Wednesday that Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) were not yet ready to take security control and provide adequate protection for civilians. About 15 national and international development, humanitarian and human rights agencies working in Afghanistan said in a joint statement NATO and Kabul also needed to improve Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) accountability.

"Millions of Afghan women and men have experienced significant progress in areas such as equal constitutional rights, political participation and access to health and education.

"However, these impressive but fragile gains will be at serious risk should the ANSF prove incapable of taking on full security responsibilities as transition progresses," they warned.
After 2014, when foreign troops are slated to withdraw from the country, local security forces would be entrusted with full responsibility for security across the country.

The statement raised a whole host of flaws plaguing ANSF -- from lack of proper training, reliance on irregular forces, such as the problematic local police force in some areas, inadequate vetting and command to control issues.

Rights groups urge NATO and Kabul to address these shortcomings quickly or risk placing civilians at further risk -- especially women who are more vulnerable to increased insecurity.
"Failure to do so would also likely to fuel resentment and social tensions, thereby undermining efforts to achieve stability and development in Afghanistan, as well as peace and security in the wider region and internationally," it added

Besides, the proposed plan to increase ANSF's strength to 350,000 by end of 2014 and later downsizing it to 250,000, within two or three years was considered waste of resources and not a prudent move, as proliferation of arms and armed groups are likely to happen.

"NATO and the Afghan government need to take measures to reduce civilian casualties and intensify efforts to improve the conduct, responsiveness and accountability of ANSF to enhance their capability to protect civilians," added the group.

Over 60 NATO leaders and international agencies representatives are scheduled to meet at the Chicago Summit from May 20th to 21st. (Pajhwok)