Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Foreigners Spend Billions without Accountability: MoE

Foreigners  Spend Billions without  Accountability:  MoE

KABUL - The Afghan government has to account for every cent it spends but foreigners in Afghanistan have spent billions without any transparency or accountability, the Afghan Minister of Economy said Wednesday.
Abdul Haid Arghandiwal accused foreigners for abusing as much as $49 billion in international aid which has been sent to Afghanistan, and emphasised that no one could accuse Afghan officials for embezzlement when this amount has been spent without a trace.

"We accept all the problems in my organisation but I assure you that we account for each dollar spent by the Ministry of Finance. No one should accuse anyone [here] of embezzlement and corruption," Arghandiwal said at a press conference in Kabul.

"[Whereas] the foreigners have spent $49 billion in unaccountable and non-transparent way."

He also stated that from $57 billion donated to Afghanistan, only $8 billion was spent through the government budget and the rest was spent by the foreign organisations without any clarity in their expenses.

He claimed that, as a consequence, the foreigners have left Afghans with only two options, a choice between bad and worse, and warned the foreign nations of Afghanistan's "anti-foreign invasion" history. (Tolo News)