Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Taliban Accused of Poisoning Hundreds of Schoolgirls

Taliban Accused of Poisoning Hundreds of Schoolgirls

WASHINGTON - Taliban "Religion of Peace" fundamentalists are suspected of spraying Afghan girls' schools with poison, and also of poisoning a well near a girls' school, CNN reports.
A hospital in northern Afghanistan admitted 160 schoolgirls Tuesday after they were poisoned, a Takhar province police official said.

Their classrooms might have been sprayed with a toxic material before the girls entered, police spokesman Khalilullah Aseer said. He blamed the Taliban.

Last week, more than 120 girls and three teachers were admitted to a hospital after a similar suspected poisoning.

"The Afghan people know that the terrorists and the Taliban are doing these things to threaten girls and stop them going to school," Aseer said last week. "That's something we and the people believe. Now we are implementing democracy in Afghanistan and we want girls to be educated, but the government's enemies don't want this."

The Taliban have demanded girls' school closures in parts of Afghanistan, and remain opposed to allowing girls to be educated.

What sort of religion so fears the education of women? The sort that realizes that educated women will reject its demand that they remain subservient and obedient, perhaps?
Sounds like Islam to me. But . . .
Here in the United States, we worry about the Christian Right's war on women. It may seem to be nothing compared to the Islamist war on women, but Christian fundamentalists' efforts to restrict the reproductive rights of American women are but a first step toward the same ultimate goal as the Taliban's: Subservient, unquestioning obedience.

"Traditional family" advocates encourage young Christian girls to focus their lives on child-rearing rather than education and careers, teaching them that a life of dependence upon a husband (who is head of the household, just as their imaginary frenemy is head of the man) is their god's "plan".

The "quiver full" movement (that's Evangelicalspeak for "crank out as many babies as you can before you wear your body out") exacerbates the error, ensuring that women never have the opportunity to go to school, even after raising children . . . after all, they can still bear kids until after 40, which means child-rearing until 60 or later. What's left after that? Oh, right. Helping the daughters raise their children, since by then it's all Mom knows how to do. (CNN)