Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Senate to Vote on Afghan-US Pact

Senate to  Vote on  Afghan-US Pact

KABUL - Meshrano Jirga or the upper house of parliament will vote on the strategic partnership accord between Afghanistan and the United States this Sunday, an official said Thursday.
President Hamid Karzai and his American counterpart Barack Obama signed the crucial agreement at the Presidential Palace in Kabul on May 2nd.

Meshrano Jirga Chairman, Fazal Hadi Muslimyar, told Pajhwok Afghan News that the strategic accord was discussed by the house's commissions over the past one week.
On Wednesday, the Meshrano Jirga commission's directors committee decided to present the strategic agreement to the house's general assembly for approval on Sunday.

According to Muslimyar, the accord would focus on good governance, assistance in fields of security economic and improving human rights in the country. "There were nothing in the strategic accord to damage Afghanistan, but it is up to the senators whether they want to approve it or not."

He said under the deal Afghanistan and the US would also sign a special security pact next year.

"I am not optimistic that approval of the strategic accord will help prevent neighboring countries interference. Neighbors interference is linked to the existence of foreign troops. The agreement is a piece of paper that both countries have agreed upon."

The house's international affairs commission head Arifullah Pakhton said all commissions of the house have discussed the accord and there is no contention on any points. (Pajhwok)