Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Armed Kuchis Invasion in Behsud; Mosque, Hundreds of Holy Quran Ablazed

Armed Kuchis Invasion in Behsud; Mosque, Hundreds of Holy Quran Ablazed

KABUL - Following invasion of Behsud villages and attacks on the villagers, armed Kuchis (Nomads) set fire to hundreds of copies of the Holy Quran and a religious Madrasa along a mosque in Kajab valley of Behsud district of Wardak province, witnesses said on Wednesday.
Local civilians say that armed Kuchis attacked their houses and burnt copies of the Holly Quran and other books that were kept there.
A video report that was broadcasted on an Afghan private TV channel showed that hundreds of armed men took part in assaults on Kajab area of Behsud.

According to local resources, hundreds of armed men, under the disguise of Kuchis, who were equipped with various types of light and heavy weapons, attacked the area and raided houses of the people. As a result, hundreds of copies of the Holly Quran were put on fire, huge material losses were caused to the people and several dozens of villagers coercively abandoned the area. The report further added that 600 families have escaped to other areas as result of Kuchis' invasion.

In the meanwhile, Deputy Governor of Maidan Wardak Province has said that three people have been killed, 12 houses and 8 shops are set ablaze in the region by armed Kuchis.

Invasion of Kuchis on the villages in Central Afghanistan has continued for the last few years. The attacks usually result into killing, destruction, looting of the people's properties and displacement of the local citizens. Afghan President issued a decree on April 19, 2008, calling for permanent settlement of the Kuchis, ending clashes and attacks on the local people. However, Kuchis have resumed attacks on the local people in the aforementioned regions this year.

Speaking on the first anniversary of the slain chairman of the provincial council of Bamyan, Jawad Zahak, Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, leader of People's Unity Party of Afghanistan, condemned repeated attacks by the Taliban and Kuchis on the central regions and said, "At this age of democracy, we fall victim every year, we become homeless every year.

At some point in the past, I had told president Karzai that about 4,000 families from Behsud, Dai Mirdad, Tizak and Kajab are coercively displaced which include some 40 to 50 thousand people who have come to Kabul or have left for other areas in Hazarajat. This had not happened during communist leaders i.e. Taraki and others but this is taking place at the age of democracy. Why is it happening? Unfortunately we see this happening in a democratic era."

He added, "Government authorities said the incident will not be repeated this year because of president's call for settling Kuchis but our poor people expected this tragic incident to happen and it came true. The Kuchis invaded the areas four or five days ago.

The invasion was done by more than two thousand armed men riding Ford Rangers and quad cab Toyotas followed by supplying groups as strong as an army. What places do they target? Poor people in Kajab, their houses and farms, children and women. Three locals are said to be martyred and three are lost."

Ahmad Zia Masoud had also said earlier that the government is taking political advantage of the Kuchis' attacks on the villagers and this should be ended. He added that if the problem persists, Afghanistan National Front will take the required decisions. (By our correspondent)