Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

USAID Supports Afghan Projects Worth $5bn

USAID Supports  Afghan Projects  Worth $5bn

KABUL - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on Sunday said projects at the total cost of $5bn are underway in Afghanistan.
Deputy US Ambassador to Afghanistan Anthony Wayne said some of the projects are infrastructure projects that will cover different provinces in Afghanistan.

"In general we have probably about five billion dollars with the projects underway right now from AID," Mr. Wayne said.
The projects will mainly focus to help road and dam construction and some other programs will include capacity building, Mr. Wayne said.
"Some of those projects are infrastructure projects, they are building roads, some of them are helping to create power lines, some of them are helping to improve irrigation", he said.

He said the USAID is also planning to invest in agriculture sectors of the country.
USAID is one of the biggest project launchers in the country and it has spent one billion dollars only in the field of energy. (Tolo News)