Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq: Govt. behind the Plot to Kill Me

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq: Govt. behind the Plot to Kill Me

Govt. decided to use the cheap tactics to suppress opposition: Massoud

Such attacks won't be tolerated in future: Dostum

Ali Reza Sarwar
Kabul- Addressing acrowded press conference after escaping an attempt on his life in Bamiyan, Mohaqiq said that the government is sticking to undemocratic conduct to undermine the political activities of Afghanistan National Front (ANF), the biggest opposition coalition of the country. Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, the leader of the People's Unity Party of Afghanistan and a prominent member of ANF said, "The elements inside Afghan government are involved in the violent and highly-organized armed attack on my office in Bamiyan province on Wednesday night."

He said that the attack was organized to spread fear and intimidation among the local residents and defame the peaceful Bamiyan province. Mohaqiq, who was visiting Bamiyan to attend the first anniversary of Mohammad JawadZahak, the Chairman of the Bamiyan's Provincial Council killed by the Taliban last year, was attacked by unknown gunmen and the heavy clash continued for about half an hour.

Confirming the attack, GhulamSakhiNekpai, the security chief of Bamiyan's provincial Police Headquarter, said that the attack on Mohaqiq's residence took place around 11 midnight and was carried out from two locations close to the People's Unity Party's provincial office.

Mr. Nekpai confirmed that the attackers were able to launch shooting from seventy to eighty meter locations, but had to escape after facing reciprocal strong resistance from Mohaqiq's close protection team and bodyguards. This provincial security official said that the attackers' identity has not been found, nor anyone associated to the attack has been arrested, and investigation was underway to discover more facts. Local residents have confirmed the seriousness of the attacks, explaining that the offensive was led from seven distinct but close locations.

Speaking to a news conference in Kabul in reaction to the attack, Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, called the violence as cowardly and unjustified move, arguing that it was unexpected action as the recent activities of the National Front of Afghanistan were normal political practices that should be labeled as constitutional and natural right of any legitimate political movement.

Referring to the recent countrywide political rallies and gatherings by ANF supporters and leaders in Sheberghan, Takhar and Faryab provinces, attended by tens of thousands of people, he said that these gatherings have ignited the government's negative reaction.

In response to these public movements, the pro-government media and elements have begun intensive negative propaganda against the Front's political activities. He further added that the government has resorted to undemocratic principles to put enormous pressure on the ANF leadership to stop their political struggle.

Mohaqiq has also been the strong critic of the government for the manipulation of the Kochi issue which is causing serious conflicts between the Kochis and the local people in Behsud, Wardak, "The ongoing clashes between local people in Behsud and the heavily armed Kuchi nomads along with the recent falsified population census of Bamiyan province are other pressure tools used by the government to discourage Afghanistan National Front from its current political practices" he said.

Mohaqiq said that more than two thousand armed Kuchis with the Taliban's flags are deployed to the area to attack the unarmed local people in Kajab, Diamerdad and Tayzak districts and said that the government has not paid attention to the death and suffering of local people.

Talking about the statistics about the population of Bamiyan province, Mohaqiq said that the census is false, politically-motivated, unrealistic and a conspiracy against the residents of this province and asked the census should be conducted under the UN supervision. Standing along with Mohaqiq, FaizullahZaki, the National Front's Spokesman, said that extremists and intolerant elements inside Afghan government are behind the attack on Haji Mohaqiq's residence.

As an example, he referred to recent comments by Najibullah Kabuli, a radical former MP who had asked that the National Front should be burned, rooted out, the houses of its leaders should be attacked and finally they should be executed.

Zaki argued that since Mr. Kabuli is only an instrument who speaks for certain radical and fundamentalist elements inside the government, his comments draw a close link between the government and Bamiyan attack. Meanwhile, some top government officials, political personalities, the speaker and members of Afghan parliament, religious scholars, students, influential elders and many from other segments of Afghan society have called on Mohaqiq at his residence in Kabul, condemning the attempt on his life and asked the government to identify, arrest and put on trial the perpetrators of this terrorist and criminal move.

Ahmad Zia Masoud, the former first vice-President and leader of Afghanistan National Front, said that in dealing with opposition, Afghan government decided to use the cheap tactics and instruments. Condemning the attack in the strongest possible terms, General Abdur Rashid Dustom, warned that the repetition of such attacks will not be tolerated in the future.

Second attempt
In a separate incident on Thursday after Haji Mohaqiq was flown back to Kabul, his convoy was attacked by Taliban militants while returning to Kabul in MaidanWardak province. Local officials have confirmed that the convoy of Haji Mohaqiq's vehicles was attacked by the Taliban. ShahidullahShahid, Spokesman to MaidanWardak governor, said that Mohaqiq's vehicles were attacked by the Taliban when returning to Kabul and the local police and national army promptly deployed to the area for assistance.

The incident is reported to have happened around six thirty at local time in the Mullahkhail area of Jalriz district and one vehicle belonging to the convoy is ruined and its driver is said to have received injuries. Some reports have added that four bodyguards have been injured. The governor's spokesman said that Mullahkhail is dangerous and insecure area in MaidanWardak where the Taliban have strong presence.