Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

China, Good Neighbor in the Course of History: Dr. Raheen

China, Good  Neighbor in the Course  of History: Dr. Raheen

KABUL - Minister for information and culture Dr. Sayed Makhdoom Raheen who attended the 9th conference of the ministers for culture of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing at the invitation of the People's Republic of China returned home yesterday.
In their speeches all the participants from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran,

Magnolia, Belarus and Sri Lanka had emphasized for boosting cultural relations in the region.
Dr. Raheen who attended as special guest in the conference, in his speech called for enhancing relations particularly in the cultural sector between China and Afghanistan and the countries in the region.

He also described China as good neighbor of Afghanistan and requested China assistance in preservation of historical monuments in Afghanistan. Hinting on old relations between the two nations, Dr. Raheen said the relation goes back to the visit of Chinese monk leader Sawan Zhang from Bamyan in 17 century.

Afghanistan established diplomatic relations with China in 1955 and was amongst the first nations established diplomat relations with Mautsetung government. (BNA)