Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Karzai Should Start Fighting Corruption from Palace: MPs

Karzai Should Start Fighting Corruption from Palace: MPs

KABUL - Reacting to President Hamid Karzai's call on MPs to convene for a meeting to discuss fighting corruption, several MPs on Sunday said he should start this process with cleaning up his own office.
Kandahar MP Mohammad Naim Lalai accused the family of President Karzai and the Vice Presidents of being involved in corruption, saying meetings with MPs would be "symbolic moves".
President Karzai has called the MPs to cut short their 45-day summer recess and convene in Kabul for an advisory meeting to discuss mechanisms for fighting corruption.

The meeting is scheduled to take place ahead of the major international conference in Tokyo early next month where the international community is expected to discuss conditionality of their funding to the Afghan government.

"I call on the President to start fighting corruption from his own office," said MP Naim Lalai of Kandahar. "Such meetings with us would be symbolic ones."

Another MP from Kandahar, Abdul Jabar Qahraman, said fighting corruption requires a political will and commitment which, he said, doesn't exist in the current government.

However, several others, including Mahiuddin Mahdi of northern Baghlan province, welcomed the move, saying there is still a chance to start tackling corruption.

"I think it's good to start at any time and we still have a chance," concluded Mr Mahdi. (Tolo News)