Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Afghan Team in India to Study Polio Eradication

Afghan Team in India to Study Polio Eradication

MARADABAD - A five-member delegation from Afghanistan was recently on a visit to Moradabad to study the micro-methods for tackling polio in the area.
Carmen Garigoz Perez, the head of the Afghan delegation, was impressed with the "community engagement, human engagement, and the elders' engagement" that he witnessed.

"In Afghanistan, there are three provinces where we still have polio cases. We are very much impressed with your community engagement, your human engagement, the elders' engagement," Perez said.
Indian authorities held a detailed meeting with the Afghan delegation and also took them on a guided tour during a booth activity day-providing vaccinations to children.

"Today, members of the Afghanistan delegation participated in the booth day activity in Karola area. They were very impressed and appreciated the activity in the region. The delegation also noticed that the parents in the region, the Rotarians, members of the UNICEF and the administration were working closely and successfully," said Dr. Amar Singh, an assistant medical officer.

One full year without any new polio cases would mean India would no longer "polio-endemic," leaving only Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. (ANI)