Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Four Airlines Banned in Afghanistan

Four Airlines  Banned in Afghanistan

KABUL - Transportation and Aviation Ministry has stopped four airlines to operate in Afghanistan mainly because of flying substandard aircraft. Transportation and Aviation Ministry Spokesman declined to disclose names of the airlines, but said the companies were providing cargo services.
The Ministry said after the crash of an aircraft belonging to Pamir Airways, a private Afghan Airline, we are seriously monitoring air services and a group is also formed to check papers of national and international airlines operating in the country.

"All airlines have been given a deadline of two months to visit the ministry and check their papers and if they are found substandard they will be fined," Transportation and Aviation Ministry Spokesman Nangyalai Qalatwal told Tolo news.
Officials in the ministry said lack of flight regulations and a monitoring group was one of the biggest setbacks in the aviation and transportation part.
A number of staff in the ministry have been suspended after being found unprofessional, officials said. (Tolo News)