Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Delegation Sent to Investigate Sar-E-Pul Oil Dispute

Delegation Sent  to Investigate Sar-E-Pul  Oil Dispute

KABUL - A delegation comprised of personnel from Afghanistan's intelligence agency and the Attorney General's Office is heading to northern Sar-e-Pul province to investigate allegations of Abdul Rashid Dostum preventing extraction at an oil basin, officials said Sunday.

The Afghan National Security Council (NSC) recently accused the former powerful Jihadi commander General Dostum of undermining national interests by preventing the extraction process of an oil basin in Sar-e Pul, one of Dostum's strongholds in northern Afghanistan.

Deputy Attorney General Ratmatullah Nazari said that he has received some documents from the Ministry of Mines proving that Chinese engineers have been prevented from working on the mining process.

He said local warlords related to Dostum were allegedly preventing engineers from the Chinese National Petroliam Corporation (CNPC) to work on the project while making demands for "illegal financial benefits".

"There are two issues. One is the prevention of oil extraction which we have proof of from the Ministry of Mines, and the second is the threats issued to 15 engineers," Nazari told Tolonews on Sunday.

"If it is proven that General Dostum is guilty, he should surrender to law," he added.

A Sar-e Pul MP and member of the Dostum-led Junbish-e Mili Party, Sayed Anwar Saadat, dismissed the allegations and called it a "government conspiracy" to defame his party leader. (Tolo News)