Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

130 Jawzjan Schoolgirls Poisoned

130 Jawzjan  Schoolgirls Poisoned

SHIBERGHAN - Nearly 130 students of a girls' school were poisoned in Shiberghan, the capital of northern Jawzjan province, on Saturday, officials said.

Education Director Abdul Hai Yashin told Pajhwok Afghan News the girls were poisoned at the Yaka Bagh High School. However, he said the motive was yet to be ascertained.

One of the affected students, Nazifa, said: "When our teacher prepared to distribute question papers to us, a strange smell filled our classroom. All of a sudden, my body started itching.''

With her eyes welling up, she added: "My classmates and I told the teacher about the unusual odour, but she did not take notice and one of the girls fell to the ground.''

A schoolteacher and victim of the poisoning, Rabia, said: "We did inform the school administration of the strange smell. However, some students fell while leaving their classrooms.''

Public Health Director Dr. Rahmatullah Haidari confirmed receiving 130 poisoned students at the Jawzjan Civil Hospital. He added 86 girls were still under treatment while 44 others were discharged.

Police chief Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz Ghairat said an investigation was ongoing into the incident, but nobody has been arrested in connection with the incident so far. (Pajhwok)