interview with Tolo news President Karzai's brother, Mahmoud Karzai, said he was disappointed having supported Karzai during his presidential campaigns for the second term.
Mahmoud Karzai, the younger brother of President Karzai, said..." /> interview with Tolo news President Karzai's brother, Mahmoud Karzai, said he was disappointed having supported Karzai during his presidential campaigns for the second term.
Mahmoud Karzai, the younger brother of President Karzai, said..."/>

Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Karzai’s Brother Regrets Backing Karzai in Presidential Campaign

Karzai’s Brother  Regrets Backing Karzai  in Presidential Campaign

KABUL - In an exclusive interview with Tolo news President Karzai's brother, Mahmoud Karzai, said he was disappointed having supported Karzai during his presidential campaigns for the second term.
Mahmoud Karzai, the younger brother of President Karzai, said President Karzai prefers his personal policies and visions over improving living standards of Afghans.
Mahmoud Karzai warned that conditions in Afghanistan have worsened in general.
He said he expected Afghanistan to improve especially in the field of economy, but added that his brother Hamid Karzai has not been interested to bother about these issues.

Mahmoud Karzai said President Karzai should have gathered a group of professionals around him to be able to better advise him.
"Advisors to the President should have much higher knowledge of issues than the President. Unfortunately the President has gathered weak people around him whom I cannot refer to as professional advisors," Mr. Mahmoud Karzai said.
He made the comments as the international community and in particular the United States has long been critical of President Karzai's government while billing it weak to sweep corruption out of its system.

"Yes, it is his fault. I think lack of reform, complicated and complexity of laws date back to 30 years ago, but not being on track with the world especially in terms of economy is challenging the country," Mahmoud Karzai said.
Widespread corruption in Afghan system is one of the biggest challenges ahead of good governance in the country, he said. So far the government hasn't been able to properly make use of its moral and material belongings.
"Almost all ministries misuse and sell their properties and lands. They either sell lands or make villas for themselves. Unfortunately nobody thinks of building Afghanistan," he said.

Criticizing economic policies of the government Mahmoud Karzai said Afghan government has failed to improve economy and does not seem to have a proper understanding of free market economy. (Tolo News)