Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

ISAF Supplies Stopped Due to Security Concerns

ISAF Supplies Stopped  Due to Security Concerns

ISLAMABAD - In an interim security-driven step, Islamabad on Thursday stopped NATO supply trucks from crossing its northwestern border into landlocked Afghanistan, an intelligence official revealed.
Supplies for foreign troops in the neighboring country had been halted due to fears of militant attacks, the official said, explaining that the trucks would resume their journey as soon as the situation returned to normal.
On Tuesday, unidentified gunmen assaulted an International Security Assistance Force supply convoy in Jamrud sub-district on the outskirts of Peshawar, killing a driver and wounding his assistant.

Local administration official Bakhtiar Khan verified the land route closure, saying that the decision had been prompted by security concerns. The flow of trucks would resume within days, he believed.
A day earlier, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar briefed Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on the overall regional situation, with special reference to Afghanistan.

A new draft Memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Pakistan and the US on the NATO supply route has been prepared in line with the UN charter. It does not allow the transportation of lethal arms. (Pajhwok)