Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

MPs Urge Karzai to Introduce Qualified Ministers

MPs Urge Karzai to Introduce Qualified Ministers

KABUL - On Monday, lawmakers urged President Hamid Karzai to introduce qualified and honest candidates for the future Interior and Defense Minister positions.
"The Afghan MPs request president Karzai to introduced honest, figures who are not related to the president or his deputies for the two positions," Kabul Member of Parliament, Shukria Barekzai said in session of the parliament today.

Some MPs also sent a letter to the president asking the president to prevent the dismissed ministers from continuing their jobs, calling Karzai's decision to let them continue indefinitely until replacements are found, irresponsible.

"We sent an official letter to the presidential palace asking that they respect the decision made by Afghan parliament," the Speaker of Parliament, Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi said.

The Interior and Defense ministers were summoned to the parliament on Saturday to respond to the recent cross-border shelling from Pakistan and escalation of insecurity around the country.
The lawmakers were not satisfied with the responses expressed by the ministers which resulted in their dismissals. (Tolo News)