Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

US Troops Being Brought Back from Afghanistan: Obama

US Troops Being Brought Back from Afghanistan: Obama

WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama, currently in Colorado on a two-day election campaigning trip, Wednesday hailed the planned withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan as one of the key successes of his administration.

“Thanks to the incredible service of our men and women in uniform, Iraq is in charge of its own destiny. We are bringing troops home from Afghanistan. We went after bin Laden and Al Qaeda and we got them,” Obama said at an election speech.

Meanwhile the State Department refused to comment on the resignation of Afghan Defense Minister Abdur Rahim Wardak and its possible impact on strengthening Afghan security forces and the scheduled withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

“I would just say that we respect the Afghan constitutional process. More broadly, we remain focused on the steady progress of transition to which the two ministries – I believe it’s defense and interior – have contributed,” State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell told reporters.

“The US looks forward to working with our Afghan and international partners to further civilian efforts to build on the security and development gains already achieved,” he said in response to a question.

At the Pentagon, Marine Corps Maj. Gen. David H. Berger appreciated the progress made by Afghan security forces in the last couple of months. He hoped the Afghans would soon be leading operations in provinces like Helmand. (Pajhwok)