Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Australia Appoints New Ambassador to Afghanistan

Australia Appoints New Ambassador to Afghanistan

KABUL - The Australian government has announced Jonathan Philp as the new ambassador to Afghanistan, ABC news reported. Philp will take the office in October, ahead of withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014.
He is currently Australia's ambassador to Turkey.

The Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr has said that Mr. Philp is an experienced diplomat who will be representing Australia during an important time.

On July 17, Australian troops handed over security responsibility to Afghan troops in southern Uruzgan province as part of the third phase of national security transition.

The process which has formally begun, will take 12 to 18 months, officials said.

Australia's has around 1,550 troops in Afghanistan, most of them based in Uruzgan. A total of 34 soldiers have died in Afghanistan since they began sending troops to fight in the US-led mission.

Australia confirmed earlier this year that it would withdraw most of its forces by 2014, a year earlier than the Nato deadline. (Tolo News)