Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

93rd Independence Day Celebrated

93rd Independence Day Celebrated

KABUL - The 93rd Afghanistan’s Independence Day was celebrated during a simple ceremony in Kabul, with President Hamid Karzai placing a wreath of flowers next to the minaret of liberty at the Ministry of Defense.
Afghanistan is celebrating the 93rd anniversary of independence from British rule, marking the 1919 Rawalpindi treaty.

High ranking government officials and ambassadors of various countries who attended the celebrations in Kabul paid homage to the martyrs of independence, with honor guards standing in attention. The high-ranking officials included vice-presidents, cabinet ministers and others.

Karzai congratulated the people of Afghanistan on the anniversary and expressed his best wishes for a lasting peace and prosperity of Afghanistan.
The President also visited a exhibition showcasing photos of Afghan Kings, Ghazis, Mujahidan and national heroes who sacrificed their lives for the defense of their country.

Pointing to the pictures, President Karzai in his brief speech said Afghanistan was the country of martyrs, asking media outlets to show the photos to people in a bid to strike unity among Afghans. He said the pictures would help the youth know the history of their country and that how many sacrifices had rendered by their elders for the country’s defense. He said the youth had to work for the better future of their homeland.
Meanwhile, US secretary of state and Indian foreign minister congratulated the people and government of Afghanistan on marking the independence day.

Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukerjee in his message said India and Afghanistan enjoyed historic relations which had acquired great depth and strength. He conveyed his best wishes for the continued progress and prosperity of the people of Afghanistan on the behalf of the people and government of India.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton greeted the people and government of Afghanistan on celebrating their independence day on the eve of Eidul Fitr.

“As you celebrate your 93rd year of independence, know that the people of the United States stand with you and that we look forward to even greater cooperation in the years ahead, Eid Mubarak to all of Afghanistan’s proud citizens,” Clinton said in an independent day message on behalf of the US President.

The day was also marked in the eastern city of Jalalabad, where government and military officials placed a wreath of flowers on the tomb of King Amanullah Khan.

Deputy governor Mohammad Hanif Gardiwal, intelligence chief, police chief and military commanders were among a number of government officials who attended the ceremony.
The governor’s spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai told Pajhwok Afghan News that special security arrangements had been put place for the celebrations. (Pajhwok)