Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Fahim Calls on Mujahedeen to ‘Mobilize’ to Defend Afghanistan

Fahim Calls on  Mujahedeen to ‘Mobilize’  to Defend Afghanistan

KABUL - Mujahedeen still alive in Afghanistan need to mobilize and fight the insurgents in places where the Afghan security forces are weaker, the country's First Vice President Mohammad Qasim Fahim said Saturday.
At a gathering to mark the 11th anniversary of the death of one of Afghanistan's most prominent mujahedeen commanders Ahmad Shah Massoud, Fahim also said that if the country was not secure, a transparent Presidential election would be impossible.

"If the security forces are lacking any ability to secure the country, any Mujahedeen still alive in Afghanistan should mobilize to defend their country," he said at the Loya Jirga camp in Kabul.

"For my part, in the current situation or in case of a worse security situation, we would not be able to have an overall and fair election with the participation of all the people," he said.

Fahim called on the international community to ensure the Afghan forces were completely and properly equipped.

He also claimed that the process of peace negotiations with the Taliban had not achieved much.

"We emphasize peace and they assassinate our high-ranking officials and people. We should trust in the peace process but our government should have the upper hand in terms of military and ability to fight against our enemies," he said.

Jihadist leader Abdul Rab Rasol Sayaf joined in Fahim's call saying that the Mujahedeen, who are able, should fight.

"If we have the greater power, peace will come. Peace should be the suggestion of our opposition - by fighting them and beating them, we will bring them to the peace table," he said. "I say repeatedly, only the Mujahedeen can beat them."

Massoud's 11th anniversary ceremony was held a day early this year, marking the date that he was assassinated in September 2001 by two suicide bombers posing as journalists. (Tolo News)