Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Pakistan Has to Decide What Kind of Country it Wants to Be: Kerry

Pakistan Has to  Decide What Kind of Country  it Wants to Be: Kerry

KABUL - US Senator John Kerry told Tolo news in an exclusive interview on Sunday that it is an important moment for the relationship between Pakistan and the world and that Pakistan needs to make a decision about what kind of country it wants to be.
Mr. John Kerry said the US government is anxious to engage in a dialogue with the government of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan about future relationship.

He said building trust should be based on actions and that this moment now is "a moment of importance for the relationship between Pakistan and the world, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, Pakistan and the US, Pakistan and our allies".
"Pakistan needs to make a decision about what kind of country it wants to be and what side they are on in this struggle," Mr Kerry further said.
As we go forward, as I said they have been helpful in the past I think its important for calm and thoughtful leadership to find the way forward so that you build trust through actions that prove what your intentions and what your goals are? And we will work through hopefully those kinds of issues in the next days.

Senator John Kerry said the US has great respect to sovereignty of Pakistan and for the role Pakistan has played to help fight terrorism.
The truth, he said, is that Pakistan has suffered losses of its own troops and its civilians at the hands of extremists and the US has reached a difficult moment because of the events around Osama Bin Landen. But he said he was convinced that a new way forward can be found with good discussion and with good well so that cooperation on priorities that are important for both countries can be continued. (Tolo News)