Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Senate Alarmed at Widening Gap Between Govt. and People

Senate Alarmed at Widening Gap Between Govt. and People

KABUL - Meshrano Jirga members on Sunday expressed alarm at yawning gap between the government and people due to non-implementation of laws in the country.
The issued was echoed by a number of senators, with Abdul Hanan Haqyoon, saying the increasing gap between the government and people was the legacy of what he said "wrong and incompetent leadership of the country."
"When the president issues an order, one or both of his deputies act against his order," he told the house, but did not explain.
Haqyoon said the country was hijacked by a hand full of powerful individuals, while governors, police chiefs and even ministers were being appointed through proper channels.

He also said the independent administrative reforms and civil services commission was rife with corruption. Haqyoon exclusively told Pajhwok Afghan News that a deputy governor for southern Helmand province was appointed on a trial basis two months ago, but he was replaced with a new person by the commission.

He said such illegal activities were the result of increasing trust deficit among people on the government.
"People are unhappy with lawlessness that includes taking bribes, having contacts and others illegal activities in government departments," the senator said.
Another lawmaker from central Daikundi province, Ali Akbar Jamshidi, said people had no trust on government departments for failing to resolve their problems.

He also said some lawmakers were even against the supremacy of law. He explained lawmakers who represented people of their respective areas should prove from their actions that they were law abiding citizens.
He said security officials had told him that relatives of some MPs were violating traffic rules and when they were detained, MPs managed to release them. (Pajhwok)