Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

US Won’t Abandon Afghanistan: Grossman

US Won’t Abandon  Afghanistan: Grossman

KABUL -US Special Representative Ambassador Marc Grossman has renewed Washington's promise to implement the Strategic Partnership Agreement and not to abandon Afghanistan.

During his September 15-16 visit to Kabul, the diplomat held out the assurance at meetings with President Hamid Karzai, Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul and Deputy Foreign Minister Javed Ludin.

The US embassy said Grossman also met High Peace Council Chairman Salahuddin Rabbani, head of the Joint Secretariat of the High Peace Council Masoom Stanikzai, lawmakers and other government officials.

While reiterating the United States' strong commitment to the strategic agreement, the visiting dignitary said they would not abandon Afghanistan. He also expressed US support for a secure, stable and prosperous Afghanistan within stable region.

According to a statement from the embassy, the envoy raised progress in training Afghan forces, security transition and supporting an Afghan-led peace process. Grossman noted the progress made toward these goals last year with the multilateral commitments made at the conferences in Istanbul, Bonn, Chicago and Tokyo.

He also referred to the video circulating on the internet that has led to protests in a number of countries, including. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said, the US government had absolutely nothing to do with this video…"

Grossman expressed appreciation for the condolences he received from the Afghan government for the loss of US diplomats in Libya. (Pajhwok)