Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Karzai Heads to New York for UN Assembly

Karzai Heads to New York for UN Assembly

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai on Sunday left for the US to attend the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York, an official said.

Besides delivering his speech to the assembly, Karzai is expected to meet some world leaders and participate in the trilateral meeting among Afghanistan, Pakistan and the UK, his spokesman, Aimal Faizi, said.

The president would discuss with his international counterparts issues including the peace process, Pak-Afghan relations, the cross-border rocket attacks from Pakistan into eastern Afghan provinces, Faizi said, adding some other issues would come under discussion during the trilateral meeting.

Without giving details, the presidential spokesman said "two other important meetings" between President Karzai and world leaders were expected to take place during the trip.

Karzai is accompanied by his advisor on national security, Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Foreign Minister Dr. Zalmay Rassoul and some other high officials.

The 67th annual United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday is to be attended by presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers of the 193 member states.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left for New York on Saturday to deliver his final speech to the world gathering, state television reported.

His speech this year was keenly awaited in the face of Iran's sharp differences with the UN Security Council over its controversial nuclear program, and Israeli threats to launch pre-emptive strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Ahmadinejad is expected to make his remarks around Wednesday. UN rules limit speakers to five minutes on the podium. (Pajhwok)