Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Long-Term Strategic Treaty against Afghans’ Interests: MPs

Long-Term Strategic Treaty against Afghans’ Interests: MPs

KABUL - While talks on the agendas of the long-term strategic partnership documents are underway between Afghanistan and Pakistan, a number of Wolesi Jirga members on Saturday intensely reacted against the deal calling it only in the interest of the neighboring country.

An MP Mohammad Noor Akbari said the decision was premature; as the Pakistani cross-border shelling are still continuing and if the neighboring country wants a good relation with Afghanistan, it should first stop barrage into the border regions and prevent sending insurgent into the country.

Singing strategic partnership agreement is against the national interests of the Afghan people, said another MP from Badakhshan, Fauzia Kofi asking the government for observing the national interests in its foreign policy.
Any decision to sign strategic deal with Pakistan should resolutely and comprehensively be mulled and fully focused as well as strong consultation should be taken from the experts, said another MP Sayed Ali Kazemi, who asked the government for not adopting a weak policy in this regard.

But, another MP from southern Khost, Dr. Mir Bot Mangal welcomed the pact to be signed with Pakistan, but expressed doubt if the neighboring country was honest in its commitments as it had broken its agreements many times earlier.

The MPs asked the government for giving details about the issue of signing a strategic pact with Pakistan
British Prime Minister, David Cameron is expected to help the two countries sign a strategic treaty, hoping the ongoing--even growing tensions between the two neighboring nations would be reduced, but the Pakistani side was feared not to remain honoring its pledge with its war-affected neighbor. (WNA)