Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Abdullah Rules Out Return to Civil War

Abdullah Rules Out Return to Civil War

ASADABAD - Afghanistan National Coalition (ANC) leader Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on Saturday said the country would not collapse into civil war after the pullout of foreign forces in 2014.

Addressing a news conference in Asadabad, the provincial capital, the opposition leader denounced cross-border incursions from Pakistan into Kunar as an act of blatant aggression.

He asked the government to seek public help if it could not prevent the attacks. Despite the problems facing Afghanistan, civil strife was unlikely, the former foreign minister believed.

The Afghans, opposed to the war, would continue defending their country like they had been doing in the past, he said, urging the world to honor its commitment to stabilizing Afghanistan.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor Syed Fazlullah Wahidi said cross-border missile barrages continued despite efforts by Afghan government to prevent such attacks. Through such strikes, Pakistan wanted to harness the water of Kunar River, he alleged.

Kunar Ulema Council head, Maulvi Abdul Rahman, regretted that Abdullah's visit to the province had been late. To prevent the attacks, he suggested Kunar residents be given the weapons left behind by Soviet troops in Panjsher province, Abdullah's hometown. (Pajhwok)