Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Lawmakers Trade Land-Grab Allegations

Lawmakers Trade Land-Grab Allegations

KABUL - Parliamentarians Allah Gul Mujahid and Mujibur Rahman Samkanai traded land-grab allegations after Monday's session of the Wolesi Jirga, lower house.

The verbal clash erupted after Samkanai accused Mujahid's men of seizing the land and houses of his supporters in the Kamari area of Bagrami district.

He claimed Mujahid's men had been trying for the past four months to encroach on people's property. They even opened fire on area residents today, the lawmaker alleged.

"Most MPs, misusing their positions, grab people's land. To block possible investigations, they are seeking membership of the Wolesi Jirga Complaints Commission," the legislator added.

Samkanai demanded the removal of Mujahid as a member of the Complaint Commission and the appointment of a delegation to probe the issue.

Mujahid, who was absent from the session, suddenly reached the parliament building and sparred with Samkanai. Each dubbed the other as a land grabber and tried to come to blows.

Speaking to Pajhwok Afghan News, Mujahid spurned his colleague's allegation as unfounded and accused him of grabbing 500 acres of land in Kamari.

Bagrami police chief, Col. Saifuddin Nangyalai, confirmed receiving report of shooting in the area. But he said the gunmen had left before security forces reached the scene. (Pajhwok)