Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Fahim Links Peace to Law Enforcement

Fahim Links Peace  to Law Enforcement

KABUL - A large number of criminals detained by security forces are set free after some time, causing insecurity in society, the first vice-president said on Saturday.

Addressing a gathering of attorneys in Kabul, Mohammad Qasim Fahim said that durable peace could be enforced only when the law was implemented and outlaws were punished.

"We see security personnel arresting in droves kidnappers, thieves, recipients of bribes and anti-social elements. They spend some time in jail before being released," the vice-president added.

Without explaining who released the detainees, Fahim said that the practice emboldened the offenders to return to crime. He urged judicial organs to play a proactive role in enforcing peace.

Justice could not be ensured without the implementation of the law, he stressed, asking attorneys to discharge their duty in this regard. The prosecutors would command respect if they did their job honestly and efficiently, he continued.

Fahim believed people's confidence in the system would grow with the dispensation of justice. "With the exception of those who are in power or have private guards, the masses feel insecure and concerned."

Attorney General, Mohammad Ishaq Aloko, who also tied security with social justice, said the attorneys were facing many problems. As an important institution, the Attorney General Office (AGO) discharged its duties in a befitting manner.

Over the past six months, the AGO has investigated 16,000 cases, including 1,300 cases of violence against women. Without giving details, Aloko said 52 attorneys had been killed across the country since 2001.

He said the three-day meeting was aimed at assessing AGO activities and the problems being faced by attorneys. The participants will also assess the implementation of Supreme Court's decrees, draft laws approved by the Cabinet and the national assembly.

Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) Chairperson Sima Samar, Stephen McFarland, coordinating director for rule of law and law enforcement at the US Embassy in Kabul, representatives of the Supreme Court, lawmakers and attorneys are attending the meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, McFarland asked the need for creating coordination between the relevant departments in order to ensure security. (Pajhwok)