Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

WJ Rejects Draft Domestic Policy

WJ Rejects Draft Domestic Policy

KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga (WJ)-- or lower house of parliament -- on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected the draft domestic policy and returned it to the government for a review.

Placed before the assembly nine months ago, the draft was discussed by all house panels, , the deputy head of International Affairs Commission said.

Mohammad Noor Akbari said the proposed measure included strengthening of security forces, brining peace, national reconciliation, the freedom of expression and administrative reform.

Promoting education, development, rule of law and transparency in the use of foreign aid and greater participation in political and social affairs are other salient features of the draft.

A public representative from Daikundi province, Asadullah Saadati, called the draft complicated, and said its contents should be concise. The measure should have two broad parts -- foreign and domestic policies, he suggested.

The domestic policy should cover security, economy, culture and administrative affairs, the MP said. "It should be reduced from 25 to two main titles, with four sub-titles; it should be a comprehensive future guideline."

Like other moves, the step was aimed at enhancing the government's powers, remarked another lawmaker from Baghlan, Obaidullah Ramin. He believed the draft did not pay due attention to the revival of the economy.

A female member from Kabul, Shukria Barakzai, said the draft had several problems in terms of language and distribution of powers.

"The terminologies contained in it are ambiguous," she said. For instance, the legislator pointed out, it confused power distribution with the distinction of authority. Similarly, the duties of the government and people had not been explained, she continued.

After a long debate, Speaker Abdur Rauf Ibrahimi called for voting on the measure. Of the 132 lawmakers present, 131 raised red cards in opposition to the draft.

The draft would be sent back to the government for corrections, with reasons for its rejection and the recommendations of lawmakers, Ibrahimi ruled. (Pajhwok)