Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

3000 Cases of Violence against Women in 6 Months: AIHRC

3000 Cases of Violence against Women in 6 Months: AIHRC

KABUL - Afghanistan Independent Human Right Commission (AIHRC) on Tuesday said it has registered more than 3,000 cases of violence against women in the first six months of the current Persian year.

The commission said that the massive number of cases is related to a greater awareness about what the rights of women were leading to more reporting of situations that go against this.

"The Human Rights Commission has held human rights training with people via meetings, seminars and awareness programs in many provinces, with the purpose to make people familiar of their rights, chiefly women," AIHRC Women's Rights Program Coordinator Latifa Sultani said.

"The programs are also held in some police bodies and schools," she added.

The Ministry of Hajj and Islamic Affairs says that Imams and religious leaders are responsible to be aware people about human rights in Islam.

Hajj Ministry's head of Mosques Mawlawi Abdul Malik Zyayee said that violence against women is forbidden in Islam, adding that he has ordered Imams to ensure people are aware of women's rights.

"Islam condemns violence against women. We started up some awareness programs for Imams to make people know of women's rights and we will supervise the programs as well," he told TOLOnews.

However, the Deputy Minister of Hajj Daee-ul-Haq Abed said today in a meeting with lawmakers and civil society activists that the 2009 Elimination of Violence Against Women law had provisions which went against Islam and would be difficult for mullahs to implement.

"As long as it is not revised, we will not enforce it," he said in response to a question from an activist about it. (Tolo News)