Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

NATO Reaffirms Chicago Commitments to Afghanistan

NATO Reaffirms Chicago Commitments to Afghanistan

KABUL - NATO Foreign Ministers on Wednesday reaffirmed their Chicago summit commitments toward Afghanistan to contribute to the long-term support of the national security forces, NATO said.

The ministers agreed at the Chicago summit in May to fund the Afghan forces with the Afghan government taking on more of the responsibility as its economy strengthens.

"At the Chicago Summit in May, we committed to play our part in developing appropriate, coherent, and effective funding mechanisms for the Afghan forces. Today 52 nations reaffirmed those commitments. And we took a step forward by agreeing to develop further a funding mechanism which will complement the broader international efforts within a robust accountability framework", NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Wednesday at a press conference in Brussels.

"For its part, the Afghan government is committed to taking on an increasingly large share of the funding as the Afghan economy and its own resources grow", Rasmussen added.

Afghan foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, Isaf representatives and major Afghan donors such as Japan, European Union and the United Nations also attended the conference.

NATO has once again pledged funding of the Afghan security and launching a training mission after the combat role ends in 2014. (Tolo News)