Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Washington to Kabul, Islamabad: Talk Out Rifts

Washington to Kabul, Islamabad: Talk Out Rifts

WASHINGTON - Following testy exchanges between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the assassination attempt on the Afghan spy chief, the United States on Monday asked leaders of the two countries to resolve their differences through direct talks and not by public statements.

"We want them to talk it out directly," the State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, told reporters at her daily news conference. She was responding to questions on the Afghan allegation that the 'ISI was behind Thursday's suicide attack, a charge denied by Pakistan.

Welcoming talks between President Hamid Karzai and his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari, sponsored by Turkey, Nuland said the meeting would provide an opportunity for direct dialogue between the two leaders.

"This, we think, is a good opportunity for them to talk directly about issues of concern rather than sort of doing it by public statement. As you know, we have long supported better dialogue between Afghanistan and Pakistan, particularly in support of Afghan-led reconciliation. So we hope both sides avail themselves of this meeting…," Nuland said. (Pajhwok)