Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Pak, Afghan MPs Call for Candid Talks on Issues

Pak, Afghan MPs Call for Candid Talks on Issues

ISLAMABAD - Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Pakistan on Wednesday called for candid and continued discussions on critical issues of mutual concern, stressing that diplomacy be conducted through diplomatic and parliamentary channels, not through the media.

Difficulties and trust deficit in bilateral relations should be overcome through mutual dialogue, they said, adding that stability in one country was in the interest of the other and both should look for political solutions to bilateral issues.

At the end of a two-day Pakistan-Afghanistan Parliamentarians Dialogue-VII, the lawmakers appreciated the diplomatic initiatives undertaken by the two countries in the recent past to improve their relations.

In a joint declaration, the MPs said the exit of NATO-led combat troops from Afghanistan posed both opportunities and challenges for the two countries, which needed to work together to convert challenges into opportunities.

While stressing the continuation and acceleration of Afghan-led reconciliation talks, they agreed supremacy or leadership role for any third country in the region was not needed at the moment or after the withdrawal of foreign troops.

“Terrorism poses the greatest challenge to both countries and their mutual relationship. Both must work together to uproot the common enemy. Anyone in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, who is responsible for a terrorist incident, must be stopped by the two governments,” the declaration added.

The legislators concurred that a free and fair electoral process in each country had the potential to include various players in each country in state affairs. They also called for promoting tourism between the two countries.

The parliamentarians welcomed the recent sharing of a draft Strategic Partnership Agreement between the neighbours and urged its early finalization and signing. They also hailed an agreement on setting up a joint commission on prisoners. They once again proposed a treaty on extradition of criminals.

The MPs underlined the need to promote an across-the-board visa-free travel between the two countries. “This can begin by allowing visa-free travel for diplomats and business persons and to gradually move forward to apply it to all citizens in two countries.”

Recommendations of the 6 Pak-Afghan Parliamentary Dialogue be implemented at the earliest. Of these, they especially underscored to:
i. Address apprehensions regarding terrorists’ safe havens in both countries
ii. Control cultivation and trafficking of illicit drugs and related substances, fuelling terrorist financing and terrorism in the region
iii. Improve and enhance border security management
iv. Introduce banking reforms to check money laundering and terrorist financing
v. Forge greater coordination between the armed forces, intelligence communities and security agencies of Pakistan and Afghanistan
vi. Put in place effective mechanisms to carry out due diligence of NGO funding in both countries
vii. Facilitate and enhance communication networks including roads, rail and air travel, telephony and trade
viii. Facilitate greater media interaction and exchanges, both print and electronic, by urging both governments and independent media networks to operate in each other’s country. (Pajhwok)