Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Over 90 MlnkWh of Electricity Supplied to Afghanistan in Oct-Nov

Over 90 MlnkWh  of Electricity Supplied  to Afghanistan in Oct-Nov

DUSHANBE - In October-November this year, Tajikistan reportedly supplied more than 90 million kWh of electrical power to Afghanistan. Findings of the monthly report for December 2012, Monitoring & Early Warning in Tajikistan, show that 42.0 million kWh of electricity was supplied to Afghanistan last month. In October, Tajikistan supplied 48.9 million kWh of electricity to the neighboring country.

Barqi Tojik (Tajik state-owned utility responsible for generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity) reported that total electricity generation in November was 1,251 million kilowatt-hours (kWh), or an average of 41.7 million kWh per day. Electricity production in November reportedly increased by 11.2% (37.5 million kWh) compared to October 2012. In the meantime, electricity production in November 2012 was 38 million kWh less than in November 2011.

From May to November this year, the Norak hydroelectric power plant (HPP) was reportedly providing more electricity than in the same periods in 2010 or 2011.

According to data of the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan, Tajikistan has exported electricity for a total amount of some 19 million U.S. dollars over the first eleven months of this year. This amount is 5.2 times higher than in the same period last year. In January-November 2011, Tajikistan reportedly exported electricity for 3.6 million U.S. dollars.

Finding of the monthly report for December 2012 show that total electricity consumption in November was 1,210 million kWh. In November 2012, electricity consumption was 79 million kWh less than in November 2011 (1,289 million kWh).

With reduction of water flow in the Vakhsh River and a need to refill the Norak Reservoir for the winter, the rationing of electricity supply began in early October 2012.

In late November the water level in Norak Reservoir was 903.88 meters above sea level, 4.7 m lower than in October 2012 and 46.88 m above the "dead level" (857 m). (AP)