Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

War Vs Peace

War Vs Peace

The world suffers and it suffers because of terrorist activities against, children, women, young and old people with no mercy. Their continuous terror attacks on innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other parts of the world have upset peace, stability and progress. International terrorism has become a big threat to the world. Everyone knows the word "Terrorism" before the word peace and living in peace remained mysterious.
The modern terrorism differs in nature and ways of killing the innocent from the nineteenth century terrorism because earlier it was linked only with national struggles for independence and social justice against the cruelty of brutal regimes who were dominating the most powerless, marginalized and most excluded people. They used to do best to avoid civil causalities, whereas recent form of terrorism made almost no difference between particular regime and ordinary citizens.

Their regular attacks on innocent people in different parts of the country, the beheading of the students on their way to their homes, the bomb last in the holy days of Eid and other brutal shooting of women on public places are the clear example of dangerous wavered of terrorism. It is always shocking and extremely sad to see people are murdered with no reasons by the hand of terrorism and other narrow minded groups who also belong to the same nation by ignoring all the humanitarian facts.

In response, today there must be a unanimous approval by all the nations of the world for the fight against terrorism so that the dream of world union or one world could be achieved and we all could live in peace and brotherhood. Even in the international meetings of developed and developing nations, it has been declared that terrorism is standing as an obstacle to development programe activities of all nations. It was decided to intensify the international pressure over stubborn nations supporting directly or indirectly terrorism of all kinds. Thus, this is not the matter of only one nation, this has victimized the whole world and even they did not have mercy on their own supporters.

In the contemporary, we are supposed to look back at many traditions and contemporary issues of politics with absolute different dimensions and deepest concern by realizing them that their doings are wrong and absolutely against all humanity and that their forefathers had due respect to their victims in the past.

Many believe that there are the logics, languages and rhetoric of current human rights that provide a crucial element for the evaluation of the legitimacy of not only the practices of political power, but at all sites from the global to the local villages. This is also from the justice-qualities of the arrangements for social cooperation, such as the family, the market, or social and human rights movements. The rights of human beings must be taught from a very early age to the upcoming generation so that no one can even dear to harm others.

The main problem is, the conscience or inner selves have all died in search of gaining the evil desires. Peace, justice and brotherhood have all became mysterious. Love and humanity often remain absent in present political scenario and the large scale of terror mines in South Asia. The terrorism has not only established itself in Afghanistan and Pakistan under the name of Islam but also expanded to other parts of the world.

This is shaking our conscience and forcing us to think and question ourselves that whether terror with bloodshed would ever end? The answer definitely seems to be in negative in the given set of circumstances where the economies are largely concentrated and the human resource has become available at negligible price to be used as the instruments of terror, which are even cheaper than other arms and ammunitions. The resulting impact is the outbreak of intense terrorist activities resulting in grave threat to human civilization.

In addition, the terrorist activities are undoubtedly being used and abused for the fulfillment of secret and evil objectives by a few who attempt at setting up their hegemony and for which they exploit and manipulate the poor and make them robots to work towards selfish and inhumane targets. The terror is used and abused by the powerful to maintain their hegemony. We face exhumation of cultures and societies.
There are indeed various theories and thought processes about the ongoing peace process with the opposition party. Some perceive that by terrorizing terror, extinguishment of terror can be achieved. Some other perceives that Taliban may end with the fulfillment of their desires to stop igniting the fire of terror. Some other perceives that terror may see its end by stopping the flow of funds to the people who are responsible for perpetuating terrorism. What so far we have witnessed in the last many years from this terrorizing group, were the atrocities, human erosion, cruelties and mass extinction.

In the sub-continent, where the witnesses have lost the capacity to be witnessing the mass destruction, losses and an unending trauma of political, economic and social deterioration. Since, terrorism is the creation of human mind, so the theories of terror and the approach to handle or curb terrorism may vary from place to place and situation to situation.

In response to the world's disorder created by the enemies of humans, it can be only tackled through mobilization, proper advocacy and good education with full stress to generate satisfactory solution as economic security coupled with qualitative thoughts process and positive energies shall act as a deterrent for the hazardous growth of terror in the world at large, particularly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

To make it happen, it requires the nation states of world to collectively as a force focus on brining real peace and harmony amongst the people, by bridging the gap between unequal and imparting proper religious education, social and economic perspective to the people deprived from education and other social contacts to start respecting humanity and learn the art of peaceful co-existence in which there is no one like late 'Osama' killing the innocent people. There must be proper teaching for the betterment of the people, where the kids are taught to become the drivers of change, not Kasabs in order to eradicate terrorizing diseases, poverty, calamities, ignorance as well as illiteracy and inequality recessions and depressions.

Perhaps, there will never be an authoritative guide to terrorism because there is not one terrorism, but a collective force of them with full support and collective backing. The desired result against terrorism lies in convergence of many policies, laws and colors, due to the varieties of terrorism. Definitely, if we work in a concrete manner intending to end terror, we can certainly achieve our object and ensure a prosperous living for all people in the whole world. Humanism, secularism, social and economic justice, compassion towards all living creatures must be fundamentals and valid to the world order.

These war affected nation have long been waiting for a permanent peace, brotherhood and stability. The whole nation has been waiting eagerly for the day when the pain with bloodshed and terror ends and the witnesses for peace, stability, brotherhood and love can become practical in all walks of life. We need to act now as a joined force if we are to recount the loss to the society and the dove of peace and prosperity, and put permanent end the trauma of black chapters of history with most miseries and bloodshed and let the notes of peace, glory and magnificence takes its shape, not only in Afghanistan but amongst the state nations of the world.