Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

MPs Seek Prosecution of War Criminals

MPs Seek Prosecution of War Criminals

KABUL - Wolesi Jirga -- or the lower house of parliament -- on Wednesday strongly denounced the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and called for the prosecution of the war criminals for killing thousands of Afghans.

In December 1979, the Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan. They were forced to withdraw from the country in 1988, but not before the killing of 1.5 million Afghans, forcing millions into exodus and maiming tens of thousands.

During their occupation of Afghanistan, 14,453 Russian troops were killed, 49,983 injured and 330 others have been missing. Many of the missing are presumed dead.

During Wednesday's session of the assembly, lawmakers passed a resolution denouncing the Russian invasion. "We ask the government to try the individuals who were involved in mass killings."

"The move will lead to the discovery of the graves of people whose families are still awaiting their return," the lawmakers said in the unanimously-passed resolution.

Ustad Mohammad Akbari, an MP from central Bamyan, called Dec. 26 a national tragedy. He claimed the Afghans were still suffering problems due to the Russia invasion.

Deputy Speaker Mohammad Zahir Qadir also described Dec. 26 a dark day in the country's history. He said condemnation of the attack and holding sessions on this day was the responsibility of all Afghans, including political parties and civil society. (Pajhwok)