Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Abdullah Slams Govt. for Violating Constitution

Abdullah Slams Govt.  for Violating Constitution

KABUL - National Coalition of Afghanistan Chairman Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on Monday praised efforts of the Independent Commission for monitoring the implementation of the constitution.

Speaking at an event in commemoration of the adoption of Afghanistan's constitution nine years ago, Abdullah hit out at the government for what he called consistent violations of constitutional provisions.

He stressed the role of all government organs and officials concerned in ensuring the effective implementation of the constitution and ensuring that the rule of law is upheld. He urged the relevant institutions to set store by strengthening rule of law.

In a statement, the National Coalition of Afghanistan expressed its serious concern about the continuing trend of violations of the constitution in a systemic manner.

Abdullah specifically referred to the illegitimate continuation in office of the Chief Justice and other members of the Supreme Court, whose constitutional term limits have already expired.

The former foreign minister also criticised the Supreme Court for its inability to maintain its independence and effectively carry out its legal mandate.

Abdullah said he had sent President Hamid Karzai an open letter, voicing his apprehension over "illegitimate measures" taken by the government in violation of the constitution. However, he did not elaborate on the illegal steps. (Pajhwok)