Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Lower House Prorogued Amid Uproar

Lower House Prorogued Amid Uproar

KABUL - An important session of the Wolesi Jirga was adjourned amid uproar on Monday when four of the 11 cabinet ministers refused to appear before the lower house over their failure to spend a major portion of their developments funds.

Those who failed to appear before the national assembly included ministers of defense, interior, urban development and higher education. The defiance triggered a heated debate among lawmakers, who asked the speaker to halt the proceedings until all the ministers summoned arrived.

The remaining seven came to the house, but they were not allowed to explain their positions. The PMs argued all Cabinet members were bound to comply with the legislature's decisions as enshrined in the Constitution.
The ministries of defense, interior, commerce, economy, counter-narcotics, water and energy, education, urban development, mines, higher education and information and culture failed to use their uplift funds.

Under the Constitution, lawmakers warned, they had the right to sack a minister by bringing a no-trust motion against him. The heated debate started when some MPs said they were not in favor of summoning the ministers who did not hold their current portfolios last year.

As uproar continued, Speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi asked members if their decision that all the ministers summoned had to appear was final. A majority of legislators raised their green cards in agreement. (Pajhwok)