Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Reconciliation Process Should Be Afghan-Led, Afghan-Owned: Gilani

Reconciliation Process Should Be Afghan-Led, Afghan-Owned: Gilani

ISLAMABAD – Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Friday said the reconciliation process should be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned to usher lasting peace in Afghanistan. He observed that the only way forward in Afghanistan is through building of Afghan institutions which will bring stability on the long term basis. The Prime Minister was talking to German Special Envoy on Afghanistan Micheal Stiener, who called on him here at PM House on Friday afternoon. Gilani said Pakistan and Afghanistan are both victims of terrorism and "we should jointly fight the common enemy to bring peace in the region as well as at international level."The Prime Minister said that his country has made great sacrifices in the war against terror.

He mentioned that around 30,000 civilians and 5,000 soldiers have embraced martyrdom and economic losses are Billions of dollars. He further said that all the high value targets were arrested by the law enforcement agencies of Pakistan with or without international cooperation.
The Prime Minister supported the idea of Bonn Conference and said that peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan is in Pakistan's own interest. He said that his country is a part of the solution and not a problem. He assured that Pakistan will facilitate the Afghan led peace process. He mentioned about his fruitful meetings with the Afghan leadership, tribal leaders and businessmen during his visits to Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude on behalf of the people and government of Pakistan for German assistance for earthquake and flood victims. He thanked the German leadership for enhancing economic assistance and supporting Pakistan for enhanced access of the Pakistani exports in the European Union markets. He said that Germany is the largest trading partner of Pakistan in EU markets.
The German Special Envoy thanked the Prime Minister for his support to the second Ministerial Bonn Conference being held on December 5 this year.
He apprised about the main agenda of the Conference and said that the Conference will discuss ...(More on P8)...(2)