Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Russia Voices Concerns Over Situation in Afghanistan

Russia Voices Concerns Over Situation in Afghanistan

MOSCOW - The situation in Afghanistan may be aggravated by the withdrawal of the international coalition from the country, a Russian diplomat said Thursday. "The beginning of the transfer of control from NATO forces to Afghan authorities will step up tensions, and the situation is degrading constantly," Zamir Kabulov, the special presidential envoy to Afghanistan told reporters.

He said that Afghan forces have not been prepared to assume responsibility for the country's security. Meanwhile, Kabulov said Russia currently does not see anybody from Afghanistan's Taliban movement as a negotiating partner of the Afghan government. Meanwhile, Kabulov said Russia currently does not see anybody from Afghanistan's Taliban movement as a negotiating partner of the Afghan government. "There are three pre-conditions defined in the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council: (The Taliban and other armed opposition forces have) to recognize the Afghan constitution, stop armed conflict, and cut links with the Al-Qaeda," the diplomat said.
"We don't mind (the Afghan government to negotiate with the Taliban), but until now I did not find the Taliban has met all these requirements," Kabulov said. (Xinhua)