Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Gen. Dawood Killed in Suicide Attack

Gen. Dawood  Killed in Suicide Attack

Governor of Takhar wounded in the attack

NATO Commander of Regional Command North Survived

KABUL - Four people including two top Afghan police officials were killed in a suicide attack in northern Takhar province on Saturday, local officials said.
Local official said that Gen. Dawood Dawood, commander of 303rd Pamir Zone in northern Afghanistan and another unnamed police official have been killed in the attack. The incident happened while Gen. Dawood was having a meeting with other officials in governor's compound.
"Gen. Dawood, commander of 303rd Pamir Zone, Mawlawi Shah Jahan, police chief of Takhar, a security guard and Takhar governor's secretary were killed in the attack." Hassan Basir, chief of Takhar hospital told TOLOnews.

Ten people including governor of Takhar and security guards were wounded in the attack, he added.
Most of those injured in the incident are said to have suffered major burns.
No group including the Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack.

General Dawood was a key commander of the resistance against Soviet occupation in the years of jihad.
He was a close friend of the northern alliance commander Ahmad Shah Massoud.
After the fall of the Taliban regime, Gen. Dawood became the Counternarcotics deputy minister of Afghanistan's Interior Ministry and was later appointed as the commander of 303 Pamir Zone in the north. (Tolo News)