Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

McDonough Emphasizes U.S. Commitment to Afghanistan, Central Asia Politics

McDonough Emphasizes U.S. Commitment to Afghanistan, Central Asia Politics

WASHINGTON - U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough traveled to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the last four days of May to underscore the U.S. commitment to Afghanistan and to a long-term relationship with Central Asia, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said on Wednesday.
In Afghanistan, McDonough held meetings in Kabul with U.S. and international civilian and military officials, as well as with key Afghan counterparts and Afghan citizens, including members of the business community, Vietor said.

"In addition to meetings in Kabul, he traveled outside the capital to locations in Regional Commands North, East and South," Vietor said. "During his discussions, Mr. McDonough exchanged views with his interlocutors about how the United States and our partners can best support the transition and Afghanistan's economic future."

In Tashkent, McDonough met with the U.S. Embassy team and with President Islom Karimov. "During their meeting, the two sides discussed a wide range of issues of mutual concern, including the situation in Afghanistan," Vietor said. "Mr. McDonough thanked President Karimov on behalf of the United States for Uzbekistan's ongoing support, including reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. (KUNA)